Thursday, May 13, 2010

Episode 19 - Shopnig is Vrey Fun!

This week we gots troi Hosts! and hilarity Ensues!
Email Us!
Follow us on Twitter! Josh: @lord_rint, Robin: @RobinZemek
download the episode here

What We talked About:

Emma Watson:

Robin Started Assassins Creed 2

Movies We watched this week that we enjoyed:

Rescuers Down Under

Boondock Saints

Happy Gilmore


Bad Drivers!

Josh's Twitter Bot: flirtydaisy1953, Her Account has been suspended since the recording
in bed watching pearl habror..i uesd to looove tihs moive valval

What is Valval?

Robin's Twitter Bot: grogydove24437: Shopnig is Vrey Fun

Loading Ready Run = Awesome! LINK!

Jasmines Cosplay for Tsukino Kon

Song Break: Fields of Green - Frozen in my Shoes My Space Page

1. Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galactica?
Answers: Jeremy Dylan Rintoul - Bears. For sure. With hugs. And bow ties.

2. Question #2.: what would you do for a klondike bar?
Answers: Jeremy Dylan Rintoul - Throw my cousin in the ocean, then pour pudding mix on him.

3. how would you cross a river?
Answers: Emily Lauren Christensen - get you to piggy back me else?
Ross Borden - Jetpack.
Emily Lauren Christensen - time machine

4. in the event of a zombie outbreak where do you?
Answers: Ross Borden - Gun cabinet
Grace Morrison - to Tolito
Jeremy Dylan Rintoul - To the Toyota dealer and steal a Tundra. THen run over any zombies that attempt to get me.

5. What is the average air speed velocity of an unladened swallow?
Answers: Christopher Munz-Michielin
Christopher Munz-Michielin - What do you mean African or European?
Jeremy Dylan Rintoul - I don't know. I just answer the questions.

Word of the day:
1. A hang nail that goes all the way to the knuckle after you attempt to remove it.
2. An out of comision torpedo tube on a submarine

just kiding

\myoo-lee-EB-ri-tee\ , noun;
1. The state of being a woman.

Josh's Statement of the week: That's Beyond the Point!

My Life is Average:
Minutes ago, I heard the following coming from the kitchen: "Don't explode, chicken! I can't eat you if you explode!" ... Ladies and gentlemen, that was my husband. Golly, I love him. MLIA.

Today, I tried to pull a prank on my friend Libby. I told her she had Updock in her hair, expecting her to say "What's updock?" like Bugz Bunny. Instead, she kept saying "what's that?" until she evntually yelled "WHAT THE F*CK IS UPDOCK??". The room went silent, then one of my friends said "Whoa, Bugz Bunny got angry..." MLIA.

Today, my brother and I invented a new game. It involves keeping your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth while trying to hold a normal conversation with your opponent without laughing. The most fun words and phrases to say were 'cauliflower', 'exterminate' and 'my life is average.' I know you're all dying to try this now. MLIA

You Stay Classy Internet